

项目 简介 备注
erdavids / The-Last-Knight
z29591259 / Chain 连锁反应小游戏
sdlpal / sdlpal SDL-based reimplementation of the classic Chinese-language RPG "Xiān jiàn Qí Xiá Zhuàn" (also known as PAL).
jetd1 / MogicTower Mota game with powerful AI.
DangoSky / ChineseChess Chinese chess on the web
AlexNisnevich / untrusted A meta-JavaScript adventure game by Alex Nisnevich and Greg Shuflin.
theniceboy / learn-japanese
DangoSky / puzzle-game Vue 实现一个拼图游戏
nbarkhina / MarioHTML My take on an iconic game written in TypeScript
situdesign / 劫掠轩辕剑 @gitee 《劫掠轩辕剑》是一部经典的RPG游戏作品,第一次发布于2002年11月7日。由于年代久远,以及当时的网络安全环境比较差,导致最初的发布版已经被破坏。本发布版不仅完善了游戏引擎,修正了故事情节,也同时开放开发工具链的源码。本软件使用VS2012编译。

Epic Games

项目 简介 备注


项目 简介 备注
Lansiny / visual-novel-engine
Lansiny / DemonTower

Kerbal Space Program

项目 简介 备注
KSP-CKAN / CKAN The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network
MuMech / MechJeb2


项目 简介 备注
renpy / renpy
godotengine / godot Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine


项目 简介 备注
dalton5000 / Godot-Fontpack A collection of open fonts ready to use in Godot projects
godotengine / godot-git-plugin A Git plugin for the Godot Editor based on GDNative for Godot's VCS integration
godotengine / godot-demo-projects Demonstration and Template Projects
godotengine / godot-blender-exporter Addon for Blender to directly export to a Godot Scene