TCL 工具¶
puts What
puts -nonewline Hello,
puts World.
gets ?channelId? ?varName?
string length str
string index str i
string range str first last
Glob 风格匹配 match
# Matches
string match f* foo
# Matches
string match f?? foo
# Doesn't match
string match f foo
# Returns a big list of files on my Debian system.
set bins [glob /usr/bin/*]
string compare string1 string2
- -1 如果 string1 比 string2 小
- 0
- 1
string first string1 string2
string last string1 string2
string wordstart str i
返回下标i这个字符所在的单词的开始位置的下标。string wordend str i
string match pattern str
glob 匹配
string tolower str
string toupper str
string trim str ?trimChars?
string trimleft str ?trimChars?
string trimright str ?trimChars?
字符串格式化 format
与 C printf
set labels [format "%-20s %+10s " "Item" "Cost"]
set price1 [format "%-20s %10d Cents Each" "Tomatoes" "30"]
set price2 [format "%-20s %10d Cents Each" "Peppers" "20"]
set price3 [format "%-20s %10d Cents Each" "Onions" "10"]
set price4 [format "%-20s %10.2f per Lb." "Steak" "3.59997"]
puts "\nExample of format:\n"
puts "$labels"
puts "$price1"
puts "$price2"
puts "$price3"
puts "$price4"
# Item Cost
# Tomatoes 30 Cents Each
# Peppers 20 Cents Each
# Onions 10 Cents Each
# Steak 3.60 per Lb.
Matches the beginning of a string$
Matches the end of a string.
Matches any single character*
Matches any count (0-n) of the previous character+
Matches any count, but at least 1 of the previous character[...]
Matches any character of a set of characters[^...]
Matches any character NOT a member of the set of characters following - the ^.(...)
groups a set of characer into a subSpec
regexp ?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatch1 ... subMatchN?
Searches string for the regular expression exp. If a parameter matchVar is given, then the substring that matches the regular expression is copied to matchVar. If subMatchN variables exist, then the parenthetical parts of the matching string are copied to the subMatch variables, working from left to right.regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec varName
Searches string for substrings that match the regular expression exp and replaces them with subSpec. The resulting string is copied into varName.
set sample "Where there is a will, There is a way."
# Match the first substring with lowercase letters only
set result [regexp {[a-z]+} $sample match]
puts "Result: $result match: $match"
# Result: 1 match: here
# Match the first two words, the first one allows uppercase
set result [regexp {([A-Za-z]+) +([a-z]+)} $sample match sub1 sub2 ]
puts "Result: $result Match: $match 1: $sub1 2: $sub2"
# Result: 1 Match: Where there 1: Where 2: there
# Replace a word
regsub "way" $sample "lawsuit" sample2
puts "New: $sample2"
# New: Where there is a will, There is a lawsuit.
# Use the -all option to count the number of "words"
puts "Number of words: [regexp -all {[^ ]+} $sample]"
# Number of words: 9
info exists varName