ScrollableBox (from Box)

DEPRECATED - Use Box with the scrollable option instead.

A box with scrollable content.


  • Inherits all from Box.
  • baseLimit - A limit to the childBase. Default is Infinity.
  • alwaysScroll - A option which causes the ignoring of childOffset. This in turn causes the childBase to change every time the element is scrolled.
  • scrollbar - Object enabling a scrollbar.
  • - Style of the scrollbar.
  • scrollbar.track - Style of the scrollbar track if present (takes regular style options).


  • Inherits all from Box.
  • childBase - The offset of the top of the scroll content.
  • childOffset - The offset of the chosen item/line.


  • Inherits all from Box.
  • scroll - Received when the element is scrolled.


  • scroll(offset) - Scroll the content by a relative offset.
  • scrollTo(index) - Scroll the content to an absolute index.
  • setScroll(index) - Same as scrollTo.
  • setScrollPerc(perc) - Set the current scroll index in percentage (0-100).
  • getScroll() - Get the current scroll index in lines.
  • getScrollHeight() - Get the actual height of the scrolling area.
  • getScrollPerc() - Get the current scroll index in percentage.
  • resetScroll() - Reset the scroll index to its initial state.

Last update: February 22, 2020