

  var donut = contrib.donut({
    label: 'Test',
    radius: 8,
    arcWidth: 3,
    remainColor: 'black',
    yPadding: 2,
    data: [
      {percent: 80, label: 'web1', color: 'green'}

Data passed in uses percent and label to draw the donut graph. Color is optional and defaults to green.

    {percent: 87, label: 'rcp','color': 'green'},
    {percent: 43, label: 'rcp','color': 'cyan'},

Updating the donut is as easy as passing in an array to setData using the same array format as in the constructor. Pass in as many objects to the array of data as you want, they will automatically resize and try to fit. However, please note that you will still be restricted to actual screen space.

Last update: February 22, 2020