
All helpers reside on blessed.helpers or blessed.

  • merge(a, b) - Merge objects a and b into object a.
  • asort(obj) - Sort array alphabetically by name prop.
  • hsort(obj) - Sort array numerically by index prop.
  • findFile(start, target) - Find a file at start directory with name target.
  • escape(text) - Escape content's tags to be passed into el.setContent(). Example: box.setContent('escaped tag: ' + blessed.escape('{bold}{/bold}'));
  • parseTags(text) - Parse tags into SGR escape codes.
  • generateTags(style, text) - Generate text tags based on style object.
  • attrToBinary(style, element) - Convert style attributes to binary format.
  • stripTags(text) - Strip text of tags and SGR sequences.
  • cleanTags(text) - Strip text of tags, SGR escape code, and leading/trailing whitespace.
  • dropUnicode(text) - Drop text of any >U+FFFF characters.

Last update: February 22, 2020